Personal responsibility rests on the fact that you are the expert about yourself. You know what you want and what you need. It is therefore up to you to take responsibility for your own well-being and life.

Sometimes this means taking back the control you lost before. People who do this are more likely to feel good, happy and content.

Gentle reminder: this is your WRAP and a living document. Feel free to revisit these pages and delete, edit and add your own content at any time.

In what ways have I taken responsibility for my own well-being? And how has this improved my situation?

In what ways can or do I want to take more responsibility? In what ways do I want to change my life?

Personal responsibility does not mean:

Taking personal responsibility is very daunting but also very fulfilling if you find the courage to take the necessary steps. Getting angry at what has been done to you can give you the courage and energy to start doing something good for yourself.